Friday, July 27, 2007

finding my compass

so i tell my dad "I got a job offer!"
"I didn't think you would be that together"
automatic deflation

how is that I am so
I am so surprising...about the most responsible things

now I know that I actively avoided my life for quite a while
I am happy with my new job, I know that'll be the oppurtunity I've been looking for
My boss is dedicated, tenacious, and incredibly experienced
the staff of the the south lorain community inatiative cosnsists of two, me and my boss
in the community center of 15 agencies
my job is funded by a siezable grant form several state and federal agencies. i am lucky to be chosen

I am a lucky one

duckring, depending if she takes he position in Spain, will be leaving me soon.
christi needs to stay put, and the same for kate
jason is in philly still and januzzi ran away to NYC, along with the growing number of loves(dryden, jess, jord, sam, cito, jiamito)
I will go out east
januzzi and i would talk of living together - now i wish that i was financial responsible
in a year there will be a a great Sara Mari migration

Big is a fucking fantastic movie

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